Videos (2)


Give first, save second, live on the rest

Being generous is not natural. It's not common. In fact, it's a little crazy.

How to become a better person

Self-improvement tactics are everywhere, but real progress is made when you do something to make the world a better place.

Happiness is more about who than what

The pursuit of happiness can lead us in a lot of directions. But what really makes people happy?

Next time can be better than last time

What do you do when your life falls apart? How do you begin to pick up the pieces?

Who needs God?

Perhaps nobody? Perhaps everybody? Perhaps we should talk about it.

Timeless advice for troubled times

Wise people understand that life is connected.

When life’s big questions go unanswered

Life often gives us more questions than answers. But can faith really help us make sense of it all?

Try this today for a drama-free tomorrow

There are a lot of things in life we can't control. Here's how to avoid life's avoidable drama.

Getting what you really want in life

We’ve all gotten something we thought we wanted only to discover…it wasn’t. What if there was a way to get what you really want?

What you say and why it matters

Open mouth...insert foot. Here’s how to avoid that scenario.

What do happy couples know?

Why do some couples seem to have it all together? What's their secret?

The silver lining of our biggest messes

Life is messy. But God views our messes in a way you might not expect.

You can’t take it with you

How does God view money?

Maybe you’ve heard a Bible story or two...but then you grew up

What do you do when “because the Bible says so” no longer cuts it?

What’s your “win”?

How do you define success? The answer just might help you win at life.

The uncomfortable power of boundaries

Personal guardrails are standards of behavior that direct and protect us from damage. We don't always need them...until we do.

The downside of upgrades

What do you do when you're no longer content with what you wear, what you drive, or where you live?

How to say no to the emotions that compete for control

Our emotions can get the best of us, but there's a way to silence the toxic voices inside our heads.

How to get where you want to go in life

The direction in which we live our lives determines where we’ll end up. But what do we do when we realize the path we’re on isn’t leading somewhere we want to be?

Avoiding the comparison trap

Here's how to look to others for inspiration, not imitation.

Simplify your dating life

Would dating become less complicated if each of us spent more time becoming the right kind of person instead of seeking the right kind of person?

Moving forward when life doesn’t go as planned

What do you do when there’s nothing you can do?

Rules for the road of life

Life is complicated. Here are four tips for staying on course.