Larry Seth


Timeless advice for troubled times

Wise people understand that life is connected.

Navigating adversity

When there’s no way forward and no way out, what do you do in the meantime?

Leading well during uncertain times

When all eyes are on you, and you’re not sure what to do, use these three essentials to lead the way forward.

The fundamentals of self-leadership

Great leaders last because they lead themselves first. Here’s how to become a leader worth following.

Is Christianity good?

If Christianity is supposed to be good, why has it become so easy to walk away from?

How to avoid regret

At some point, we’ve all been our own worst enemy. Here’s how to avoid the dilemmas you don’t want to find yourself in.

Putting money in its place

Do you have money, or does money have you?

How to be a patient parent

Most parents want what’s best for their children, but sometimes it comes at the expense of their children. So what’s the secret to great parenting?


Are you ever afraid someone will ask you why you believe what you believe? Responding to people's questions and challenges can get complicated. But what if you were confident you had the answer to the most important questions about your faith?

Five questions to ask before making a decision

Our lives are shaped by the decisions we make. So how do we avoid making decisions that become regrets?

Mean people and what to do about them

Have you ever been mean to someone simply because they were mean to you? But getting even doesn't end the cycle of hurt, does it? So instead of getting even, let’s get ahead.

How to meet in the messy middle—where problems are solved

Red or Blue. For or Against. It sometimes feels like the United States isn't very united. But unity can’t be mandated; it must be chosen… So how do we choose it in the midst of so much division?

A beginner's guide to repairing broken relationships

Repairing broken relationships is uncomfortable and unintuitive; but it’s helpful to remember the goal isn’t reconciliation, it’s no regrets.

How we know, why we follow

The foundation of our faith is anchored to something far more substantial and sustainable than a collection of ancient manuscripts.

How good is good enough?

Good is a moving target. Jesus didn’t come to tell us how to be good enough; he came to save us.

3 habits to safeguard your soul

Have you ever thought “how could someone do that and live with themselves?” Truth is you could do the unthinkable and live with yourself, people do it all the time. Want to ensure it doesn’t happen to you? We’ve got you covered.

Our actions speak louder than words, but our reactions speak louder than both

Our actions rarely tell the whole story, but our reactions most certainly do.

The Empowering Invitation of the Cross

We’ve been invited into a new way of living—it may not be easy, but it is empowering and the reward is definitely worth it.