Are you ever afraid someone will ask you why you believe what you believe? Responding to people's questions and challenges can get complicated. But what if you were confident you had the answer to the most important questions about your faith?

How to be a patient parent

Most parents want what’s best for their children, but sometimes it comes at the expense of their children. So what’s the secret to great parenting?

The downside of upgrades

What do you do when you're no longer content with what you wear, what you drive, or where you live?

You can’t take it with you

How does God view money?

How to avoid regret

At some point, we’ve all been our own worst enemy. Here’s how to avoid the dilemmas you don’t want to find yourself in.

Give first, save second, live on the rest

Being generous is not natural. It's not common. In fact, it's a little crazy.

Is Christianity good?

If Christianity is supposed to be good, why has it become so easy to walk away from?

The fundamentals of self-leadership

Great leaders last because they lead themselves first. Here’s how to become a leader worth following.

Leading well during uncertain times

When all eyes are on you, and you’re not sure what to do, use these three essentials to lead the way forward.

Navigating adversity

When there’s no way forward and no way out, what do you do in the meantime?