How to Be Rich

You may not feel rich, but most of us are richer than we think. In fact, if you can read this, you’re automatically rich by global standards.

Yet most of us are terrible at being rich. The more money a person makes, the less they give away. Their time becomes consumed with managing their own wealth, leaving less time to invest in others.

What would it look like for us to be extravagantly generous toward others—especially to those who can’t do anything for us in return?

Being rich is a lifestyle. It’s about stewarding your influence and your affluence. It involves cultivating an awareness of things that really matter, treating people as if they are more valuable than you, and investing in opportunities that make a real difference in your community.

The great thing is, being generous toward others affects more than just the recipient. When you invest your time and money in a person or cause other than yourself, you will start to look at the world through someone else’s eyes. That perspective will initiate growth in you. Giving your time will impact your priorities. Giving money will impact the way you view your wealth. Generosity releases you from the hold your time and money can have on you.

So here’s the challenge: Practice being rich in your generosity toward other people. Make an effort to prioritize the needs of others. Demonstrate extravagant compassion with no strings attached.

It really is better to give than to receive.

It’s your move.